
Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Sure, don’t worry about it! We guarantee that every purchase you make will be 100% safe, because we use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving customer data exchanged with our site server. All the payment process is done by Mate Charge, which is known for its top security and anti-fraud systems. None of your credit-card details will be leaked.

We will send you an email with tracking No. and tracking link after sending out your items, and you can track the status of your parcel online. Usually the tracking number will be valid in 48 hours. If there’s still no tracking information available in 3 days, please contact us via email at or Live-chat directly.

You could check the status of your order in the order history by logging into your account.

You can email our customer service team directly on the lost shipment at and we will investigate the case. Once we are convinced that the item is lost, we will replace it with a new shipment or refund. Be Noticed: We will not be responsible for the lost if you have filled incorrect information in the order form. And we are here to note our valued customers that you should track the items online frequently after we send you the tracking information so as to avoid any troubles that may cause in the delivery process.</p>

Please inform us at immediately about the photo of the damaged ones upon receipt. Once receive your email in detail, we will send out a new replacement or issue a refund. Please don’t worry and we will give you the most satisfactory solution within 24 hours a day.

 If you forget your password, follow the steps below: 
1. Try to log in your email, and click “Forgot your password?” below the “log in” button.
2. Fill in your correct email address then, we will send your original password to your email.
3. Check your password in your email.

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This is form is just for demo purpose. No inquiries will be answered.